From here (HEAR): "Luva NEWS". Far below: "Luva ARCHIVE" and "Past Luva LIVE"
18 september 2010.
Evoking Fableous Ocean is now available as a nice zip-archive-file here ---> or song by song here ---> Do Re Mi Sleeps .Sparks in the Sea .Do Melt the Sun .Deep Below . Safe under Sea. Summoning. Fluteous .A Wide Continuous Surface.
15 september 2010.
Luva will be a part of the "PUSH THE BUTTON SHOWCASE" at the Phonofstival in Odense Denmark on the 16 september (tomorrow!). Pistol Disco and Smycken will also be --> I N T H E S H O W C A S E <--
15 september 2010.
The release of The Sample Session was super nice. Also Amsterdam was super nice. Above is a picture of the Sample Session 10". Contact the Session to get a copy of it. INFO ---> The Session at INTERNET.
4 september 2010.
Luva is contributing with a sample on The Sample Session - which is the latest session by The session. INFO --> The Session at MYSPACE. INFO ---> The Session at INTERNET. Luva will show up at the release party in Amsterdam on the 11th of september and will also do a live performance at the same. Grotte Grötten!
11 august 2010.
July 18, 2010. Oneirological experiment #3 (Peter Henning), excerpts from introductory research notes: "Evoking Fableous Ocean; .. to catch the fleeting essence of L sound below the threshold of conscious perception. [...] Pressing the play button, already lying down - limbs slowly softening, focus descending inwards [...]"
Soulful jazz ballads juiced through cheap chorus pedals - sounds of brooding doves mutating with prismatic calypso tunes - urban planning methods applied to audio sequencing. The entity known and revered as Luva is already famed from two previous audio cassettes, though expert critics unanimously agree on this, the third installment, being it's most refined effort yet to have duplicated on magnetic tape. From the initial exposures of hidden geometrical configurations and soaring tropical dream cities, through the tetractystic hymnal of the sequel, we now find ourselves scuba diving the methaporic underwaters of coralline safe havens and oceanous depths.
Thoroughly researching the turquoise Caribbean beachscapes of the mind, Luva dishes out a series of mind-bending aquatic jams conjugated with tender sampler studies and maritime electronics. (Meanwhile, the secretive Do Re Mi sleeps tightly under care of pink sands and lush summer breezes...) The hits relentlessly keep on coming - implicit bossa breaks keeping the sweat up while subtly implementing Luva's interstellar pop music into your perceptive faculties. These are true hydrospheric gold sounds tailored for loose t-shirts and never-ending streams of rosé. - - - - - - - - - -
All songs up for listening here
Get the compact cassette here
10 august 2010.
Luva will play live on the roof of Kulturhuset in Stockholm 21 august
26 june 2010.
skiss ---> doremi luva luva Rendered.mp3
22 may 2010.
Listen to "Do Melt the Sun" from the forthcoming album Evoking Fableous Ocean ---> here
13 may 2010.
New Luva album; Evoking Fableous Ocean, will be releases on cassette on Oscillatone early summer.
21 mars 2010.
6 mars 2010.
Sparks in the Sea
5 mars 2010.
27 february 2010.
26 february 2010.
This spring Luva will play live on the following dislocations in Sverige ----> 12/3 Skånes Konstförening in Malmö, with Skeppet and Peaking Lights. -----> AND 25/3 Växjö, 26/3 Utmarken in Göteborg and 27/3 Fokus in Jönköping with Skeppet and HENNING/LINDEFELT. see you there - ereht uoy ees
14 february 2010.
sketch --> fadeskissfade.mp3
3 february 2010.
Luva is contributing with "Safe Under Sea" on the nice compilation "Worpsbest (A Fine Selection Of Contemporary Music)".
Get the nice silver digipak cd-album here ---> GUSSTAFF RECORDS
-------- info in a foreign language:
Kompilacja wspó?czesnej muzyki spod szyldu niemieckiej instytucji artystycznej Künstlerhäuser Worpswede, b?d?ca podsumowaniem jej dzia?alno?ci i uhonorowaniem wszystkich artystów, krytyków, opiekunów, go?ci i przyjació? zwi?zanych ni? w latach 2006-2009. Worpswede znajduje si? oko?o 25 km na pó?nocny wschód od Bremy i po?o?one jest w?ród pi?knych krajobrazów i historycznych miejsc. A od XIX w. dzia?a jako kolonia artystów, która do dzi? otwarta jest na ró?ne formy sztuki wspó?czesnej. P?yta wydana jest w efektownym, srebrno-lustrzanym digipaku.
24 october 2009.
Luva is recording. here (HEAR) is a sketch --> skog skiss.mp3
6 october 2009.
Luva will do a live apperance at Lindefelts place on friday (9 october 2009). ja för tusan
11 september 2009.
koj skiss2.mp3
29 august 2009.
gömd i koja skiss.mp3
27 july 2009. a siktligluva here.
siktligluva loop.mp3 .
11 july 2009.
new Luva song "Safe under Sea". here ---> Luva-Safe_Under_sea.mp3
14 june 2009.
piano skiss sketch skiss
13 june 2009.
An interview with Luva has been found! Listen to it here ---> Do Re Mi interviews Luva

17 may 2009.
nice news. The Invisible Colours of Do Re Mi is now available as a nice zip-archive-file here ---> or song by song here ---> paula pow pow Summer Caught my Eyes sum sum summer sum the Hidden Colour Angel of The Sea Pans Ivy Pillow gena Ruby shine. Vampire Goth photo taken by Vintern Rasar ut Bland Våra Fjällar
10 april 2009.
Luvas new compact cassette "The Invisible Colours of Do Re Mi" out now on Oscillatone!
The Invisible Colours of Do Re Mi is a new compact cassette by the artist Luva - taken alias for composer Gustav M Karlsson - and the latest in a row of sound recordings made public and presented for the masses in a varying range of digital mediums as well as magnetic tapes.
During his two thousand and eight winter hibernation the composer was exposed for and experienced the following sensations, which - for your full enjoyment - has been preserved, translated and interpreted into eight rhytmical sound pieces:
"The colours inside the hood are visible, but hidden behind strange whirls of 'light'. The moment you find and approach them, the tune starts to shift in structure and adapt to your own scale and temperature. Small unstable sound-elements of the least visible colours, modulates and gain softness in the revolutionary apparatus of the hood, and finally - through the suggestive phones of singularity - projects its invisibility in a repetitive twitter of Do Re Mi."
All songs up for listening here
Get the compact cassette here
21 mars 2009.
skiss boom lo lo boom
20 mars 2009.
the Klorofyll tape has been ripped from the master AIFFs. nice. maximum volume trusted waves in mp3 ripped from the master AIFFs here --> ooooansiktligluuv ANGEL space syntaxx Ran mad rainbow Miiiio Lima Bermuda Raindrops Peru Lima hide away FROM THE NORTH Chandigahr. Also as a nice zip-archive here ---> Luva - Klorofyll kassetten_rippad also.
27 february 2009.
the song "Angel of the Sea" from the forthcoming Oscillatone cassette is now up for listening here.
29 december 2008.
hidden do re mi colour skiss. fa green lo.
19 december 2008.
Sebastian Rozenberg has made a video to the new Luva tune "Paula Pollo Pow". nice. watch it here
22 november 2008.
New Luva tune "Summer caught my eyes" is now up for listening here
16 november 2008.
Hej. Luva did two live appearances last weekend, one in Malmö and one in Lund. fantastic. such a blast*. More sparkling news: Lovely Utmarken has released a red plastic cassette with Luva. Its a live recording of Luvas show at Utmarken a few weeks ago. Also on the tape is Tsukimono. Also also, Luva will do a live appearance in Stockholm 6 december. More also also, the shape of the Oscillatone tape will be something like this ---> A/ Paula pollo, Summer caught my eyes, ..., Sum Summer Sum. B/ Angel of the sea, ..., ..., Ruby Shine. Hej då.
2 october 2008.
first, a sketch ---> ruby sketch. Also, Luva did an unannounced show at Pontus & Therese wedding party last weekend. nice. Also also, Luva will do a live appearance at Utmarken in GÖTEBORG next week. jo
21 september 2008.
skiss natt-lo-skiss aluva lo aluv luv skiss.
12 september 2008.
The Klorofyll cassette has been ripped and remastered from the duplicated tape and is now available to download here. photo probably taken by Sir Rasmus. ja för tusan.
7 august 2008.
The happening yesterday was really nice. Tafra played some extraordinary pop tunes and Luva did his dreamy acid thing. so nice. the space was really nice too. nice nice nice. ok. -->more news: listen to a sketch of a new Luva tune here. its from the not yet released Oscillatone tape. Also, the Klorofyll tape is finally out! order it here ---> Klorofyll kasetter. ja för tusan.

5 august 2008.
Luva and Lindefelt are back from tour! some shows were canceled and some shows were fantastic. listen to a poem by Simona here, read by Felix here. Also, DON´T miss Luva in the old cinema in Jönköping on august 6th. Servos!
17 july 2008.
Hola! Luva and Lindefelt is on a small Europe-Summer-Tour! *** Fantastico! places ---> 18/7-Annas place-Berlin, 21/7-Ktinkas-Leipzig, 25/7-Andrei-Bratislava, 29/7-TBA-Krakow, 2/8-Robin and Nina-Worpswede, 3/8-På Besök-Malmö. --- Listen to the latest Luva tune here. Also, the Klorofyll Luva tape is delayed. Also also, new Luva myspace here. Also, Luva will do an amazing live appearance in the old cinema in Jönköping on august 6th. Manjana
4 july 2008.
skiss skiss sketch sketch skiss sketch skiss
20 april 2008.
sketch 4
30 mars 2008.
Luva will do a live apperence on the opening for Monica Tormells "Black Op" at Krets in Malmö 5 april.

28 mars 2008.
pax pax pax pax pax pax pax pax diamonds free. your favorite place to be. sketch 3
16 february 2008.
"Tummen upp" will appear on a Förmögenhet tribute record later this spring.
18 january 2008.
pattern pattern pattern
made a cover of a swedish punk song. satan

5 january 2008.
trip to Sligo went out nice. hidden beers and lost luva. eating indian and Cheers Big Ears!
Also also, the Klorofyll cassette recordings are now finished! structured like this -->
SIDE Oansiktligluv Angel Space syntax Rain made rainbows Snurr
OTHER SIDE Bermuda raindrops Lima Hide away Chandigarh.
photo, Borås/Sligo. hej
2 november 2007.
Luva played live at the Shoboshobo exhibition at the new gallery Krets in Malmö three weeks ago.
Shoboshobo was absolutely fantastic. Also the gallery was fantastic.
Next Luva appearance will be 10th november in Nina Canells studio at the Model Arts & Niland Gallery
in Sligo at the very west coast of Ireland. More info about that here and here.
Also, listen to new slow Luva tunes Ivy and space syntax
Also also, working on cassette releases for Oscillatone and Klorofyll kassetter. Hej då!
21 july 2007.
The new song oansiktligluv is up!
Past Luva Live.
160910 Push the Button Showcase, at Phonofestival, Odense, Denmark
110910 The Session #11 – The Sample Session, at Kulter, Amsterdam, Netherlands
210810 at Kulturhuset, Stockholm, Sweden
280310 w/Skeppet and Henning/Lindefelt at Detroit, Stockholm, Sweden
270310 w/Skeppet and Henning/Lindefelt at Insikten, Jönköping, Sweden
260310 w/Skeppet and Henning/Lindefelt at Utmarken, Göteborg, Sweden
250310 w/Skeppet and Henning/Lindefelt at Cafe Deluxe, Växjö, Sweden
240310 w/Skeppet and Henning/Lindefelt at Martin Bryder Gallery, Lund, Sweden
120310 w/Peaking Lights and Skeppet at Skånes Konstförening, Malmö, Sweden
091009 w/Mirrors are Black at Lindefelts place, Malmö, Sweden
090609 at Koloni, Club Social, Göteborg, Sweden
030509 w/Testbild! and Sail A Whale, Ny Musik För Hållbar Utveckling at Kilen, Stockholm, Sweden
061208 w/Ring snuten and Komponisten, Friendly Noise JLFST FYN 612 at Detroit, Stockholm, Sweden
091108 w/Mind Control Hands at Mejeriet, Lund, Sweden
081108 at Studion, Malmö, Sweden
121008 at Utmarken, Göteborg, Sweden
270908 at Bösmölla, Stångby, Sweden
060808 w/Tafra at Noise club, China biografen, Jönköping, Sweden
010808 w/Lindefelt at Martin Kausche ateliers, Worpswede, Germany
310708 w/Lindefelt at Oostenburgervoorstraat, Amsterdam, Netherlands
200708 w/Lindefelt at Ditorei-noch besser leben galerie, Leipzig, Germany
050408 w/Monica Tormell at Galleri Krets, Malmö, Sweden
101007 w/Freak Paeans at Nina Canells studio at Model Arts & Niland Gallery, Sligo, Ireland
061007 w/Shoboshobo at Galleri Krets, Malmö, Sweden
290707 w/Kumi Solo at På Besök, Malmö, Sweden
000007 at Galleri 21, Malmö, Sweden
Luva Archive.
Evoking Fableous Ocean, Oscillatone 009, 2010 ZIP
01 Do Re Mi Sleeps
02 Sparks in the Sea
03 Do Melt the Sun
04 Deep Below
05 Safe under Sea
06 Summoning
07 Fluteous
08 A Wide Continuous Surface
The Invisible Colours of Do Re Mi, Oscillatone 006, 2009 ZIP
01 Paula Pollo Pow
02 Summer Caught My Eyes
03 Sum Summer Sum
04 The Hidden Colour
05 Angel Of The Sea
06 Pans Ivy Pillow
07 Gena
08 Ruby shine
Untitled, Klorofyll kassetter 001, 2008 ZIP
01 Oansiktligluv
02 Angel
03 Space Syntax
04 Rain Made Rainbow
05 Mio
06 Bermuda Raindrops
07 Lima
08 Hide Away
09 From the North
10 Chandigahr
contact: luva at
© Luva/ 2011